Power Monitor

Local Entry Point

Local request entry point for iZone Power Monitor is:

Query Request.

POST http://[bridge_IPAddr]/PowerRequest

Control Request.

POST http://[bridge_IPAddr]/PowerCommand

Local Query Request Format

Local query request body format for iZone Power Monitor is:

Request Body JSON:

    "PowerRequest": {
        "Type": 1,                  //Power monitor system info 1, Power monitor current status 2
        "No": 0,                    //reserved
        "No1": 0                     //reserved


Power Monitor System Configuration

    "Enabled":int,						// power monitor system enabled flag
    "Tag1":"string",					// power monitor tag line 1
    "Tag2":"string",					// power monitor tag line 2
    "Voltage":int,						// power system voltage
    "PF":int,							// power factor
    "CostOfPower":int,					// cost of power in 0.01 cents
    "Emissions":int,					// emissions in gCOe per kWh
            "Enabled":int,				// device 1 enabled flag
                {						// device 1 channel 1 (1):
                    "Name":"string",  	// name
                    "GrNo":int,			// group number
                    "Consum":int,		// consumption
                    "Enabled":int		// channel enabled
                {						// device 1 channel 2 (2):
                    "Name":"string",  	// name
                    "GrNo":int,			// group number
                    "Consum":int,		// consumption
                    "Enabled":int		// channel enabled
                {						// device 1 channel 3 (3):
                    "Name":"string",  	// name
                    "GrNo":int,			// group number
                    "Consum":int,		// consumption
                    "Enabled":int		// channel enabled
        ... 5 devices

Power Monitor Status

    "lastReadingNo":int,				// last reading number (internal)
            "Ok":int,					// device 1 OK flag
            "Batt":int_battlv,			// device 1 battery level
                    "Pwr":int			// device 1 channel 1 (1) power [W] 
                    "Pwr":int 			// device 1 channel 2 (2) power [W] 
                    "Pwr":int 			// device 1 channel 3 (3) power [W] 
        ... 5 devices


Control Actions

Rename Power Channel

Available: Local API



  • a - is the power monitor device number (0 - 4)
  • b - is the channel number of each device (0 - 2)
  • c - is the new monitor channel name, 15 characters max



  CpmBatt_Critical = 0,
  CpmBatt_Low      = 1,
  CpmBatt_Normal   = 2,
  CpmBatt_Full     = 3