Event Report

Get notified when device states changed.

Event Report API

iZone Cloud provides event report service, which can notify your event API when iZone device states changed or user deleted their account.

Please talk to Smart Alec about details of your event API.

Sync Request Body JSON Format:

Key Type Description
requestId string A UUID string to identify request session
requestType string Must be Sync
userId string A userId to identify an iZone worldwide user

An example of requesting re-discover/refresh would like:

  "requestId": "28d45cb2-ff5a-4d58-a4c8-efb751ded699",
  "userId": string_userID,
  "requestType": "Sync",

This request notifies user string_userID’s account condition has changed. To re-discover the user’s devices of userID.

Event Report Body JSON Format:

Key Type Description
requestId string A UUID string to identify request session
requestType string Must be Event
requestBody json A JSON datagram contains one or multiple devices datagram

An example of device event update would like:

  "requestId": "28d45cb2-ff5a-4d58-a4c8-efb751ded699",
  "requestType": "Event",
  "requestBody": {

where json_datagram is the one of iZone device datagram.

Refer to Reference the detail control actions dictionary of different types of iZone device control.