AC Unit

Local Entry Point

Local request entry point for iZone Aircon System is:

Query Request.

POST http://[bridge_IPAddr]/iZoneRequestV2

Control Request.

POST http://[bridge_IPAddr]/iZoneCommandV2

Local Query Request Format

Local query request body format for iZone Aircon System is:

Request Body JSON:

    "iZoneV2Request": {
        "Type": 1,                  //AC unit info - 1, Zone status - 2, Schedule - 3.
        "No": 0,                    //index number of zone or schedule
        "No1": 0                    //reserved



    "SysOn": int,					// AC system on: SysOn_e
    "SysMode": int,					// AC system mode: SysMode_e
    "SysFan": int,					// AC system fan: SysFan_e
    "SleepTimer": int,				// number of minutes to set the timer for, 0 = timer off
    "Supply": int,					// supply air temperature (x100)
    "Setpoint": int, 				// unit setpoint temperature (x100)
    "Temp": int,					// return air temperature (x100)
    "RAS": int,						// return air sensor mode: ReturnAirSensor_e
    "CtrlZone": int,				// zone number to control the unit 0-13, if 15, the use unit setpoint.
    "Tag1": string,					// first line text
    "Tag2": string,					// second line text
    "Warnings": "none",				// indicates current warnings/errors: "none", "filter"
    "ACError": string,				// 3 character error code. (" OK" = no error)
    "EcoLock": int,					// if true, setpoints (zones and system) can only be set within EcoMax and EcoMin
    "EcoMax": int,					// maximum setpoint temperature if EcoLock = true (x100)
    "EcoMin": int,					// minimum setpoint temperature if EcoLock = true (x100)
    "NoOfConst": int,				// number of constants in the system
    "NoOfZones": int,				// number of zones in the system
    "SysType": int,					// system type, 310 requires supprot for unit control related functions, 210 no unit control
    "iSaveEnable": int,
    "iSaveOn": int,
    "LockCode": string,				// up to 6 digits
    "LockStatus": int,				// locked flag, 1 - unit locked. Enter keycode on iZone controller to unlock the system"
    "LockOn": int,					// lock enabled
    "FanAutoEn": int,				// fan auto mode enabled
    "FanAutoType": int,				// fan auto mode fan type: FanAutoType_e
    "FanCapacity": int,				// fan auto mode fan capacity (airflow)
    "FanUnitCapacity": int,			// fan auto mode unit capacity
    "FilterWarn": int,				// filter wanrning setting (months)
    "iZoneOnOff": int,				// iZone controls AC unit on/off function, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "iZoneMode": int,				// iZone controls AC unit mode function,  0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "iZoneFan": int,				// iZone controls AC unit fan function, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "iZoneSetpoint": int,			// iZone controls AC unit setpoint function, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "ExtOnOff": int,				// AC unit controls iZone on/off function, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "ExtMode": int,					// AC unit controls iZone mode function, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "ExtFan": int,					// AC unit controls iZone fan function, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "ExtSetpoint": int,				// AC unit controls iZone setpoint function, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "DamperTime": int,				// damper time setting (senconds), 0 - automatic
    "AutoOff": int,					// auto off enable, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "RoomTempDisp": int,			// display room temperature,  0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "RfCh": int,					// RF channel number (1-8)
    "AutoModeDeadB": int,			// auto mode deadband (x100)
    "WiredLeds": int,				// wired sensor leds setting 
    "AirflowLock": int,
    "AirflowMinLock": int,
    "OutOfViewRAS": int,
    "CpuType": int,					// AcCpuType_e
    "SysNo": int,					// 0 - 4
    "AcUnitBrand": int,				// type of the connected AC unit: UnitBrand_e
    "AcUnitBrandSet": int,			// type of the connected AC unit: UnitBrandSet_e
    "OemMake": int,					// system make: OemMake_e
    "HideInduct": int, 				// hide induct temperature setting
    "ReverseDampers":1,				// reverse dampers, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "Scrooge":0,					// scrooge mode, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "Pass":string,					// system configuration password
    "CnstCtrlAreaEn": int,			// enable the function, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "CnstCtrlArea": int,			// zone area setting for the constant control by area setting
    "StaticP": int,					// static pressure setting for Midea type of units 0-lowest -> 4-highest
    "OpenDampersWhenOff": int,		// open dampers when AC system is off setting
    "ShowActTemps": int,			// in the modern zone list show actual temperatures instead of airflow
    "UseInductEnergy": int,			// use induct energy setting
    "UnitOpt": {
        "RA":0,						// display RA sensor option, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
        "Master":1,					// display Master sensor option, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
        "Zones":1,					// display Zones sensor option, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
        "History":0,				// display unit history option, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
        "SlaveOpt":0				// display Master/Slave options, 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
    "Temperzone": {
        "HeatSetpoint": int,		// temperzone AC unit heat mode setpoint
        "CoolSetpoint": int,		// temperzone AC unit cool mode setpoint
        "FanType": int,
        "ModeType": int,
        "Quiet": int,				// temperzone outdoor fan quiet mode
    "GasHeat": {
        "Type": int, 				// universal unit type control: GasHeatType_e
        "MinRunTime": int,			// minimum run time setting
        "AnticycleTime": int,		// anticycle time setting
        "StageOffset": int,			// stage offset setting
        "StageDelay": int,			// stage delay time setting
        "CycleFanCool": int,		// cycle fan in cool mode
        "CycleFanHeat": int,		// cycle fan in heat mode
        "RhSetpoint":int,			// RH setpoint (5 - 95%)
        "VocsSetpoint":int,			// VOCs setpoint (50 - 2500ppb)
        "Eco2Setpoint":int,			// ECO2 setpotin (500 - 1500ppm)
        "FanStageDelay":int,		// fan stage delay in minutes (3 - 240m)
        "CycleFanOff":int,			// cycle fan off setting (0 - 1)
        "UseRhControl":int,			// use RH control setting (0 - 1)
        "UseVcosControl":int,		// use VOCs control setting (0 - 1)
        "UseEco2Control":int		// use ECO2 control setting (0 - 1)
        "FanSpeed":int,				// current fan speed (1 - 100)
        "State":string,				// just a string to display
        "RhSet":int,				// humidity setpoint (10 - 90)
        "RhRead":int,				// humidity reading (%)
        "FanRunH":int,				// fan run hours
        "PumpRunH":int,				// pump run hours
        "PrewEn":int,				// prewash enable (0 - 1)
        "PrewTime":int,				// prewash time (1 - 60 minutes)
        "DrAfPrewEn":int,			// drain after prewash (0 - 1)
        "DrCycEn":int,				// drain cycle enable (0 - 1)
        "DrCycPer":int,				// drain cycle period (1 - 50 hours) send and receive number in minutes
        "PostwEn":int,				// post wash enable (0 - 1)
        "DrBfPostwEn":int,			// drain before post wash (0 - 1)
        "PostwT":int,				// post wash time (5 - 30 minutes)
        "Inverter":int,				// inverter (0 - 1)
        "ResumeLast":int,			// resume last state (0 - 1)
        "FanMaxAuto":int,			// maximum fan speed in auto mode (1 - 100)
        "FanMax":int,				// maximum fan speed in manual mode (1 - 100)
        "ExhMax":int,				// maximum fan speed in exhaust mode (1 - 100)
        "ExhEn":int,				// exhaust mode enable (0 - 1)
        "CtrlSens":int,				// control sensor (CoolbreezeControlSensor_e)
        "CalibTemp":int,			// temperature calibration (-50 - 50) /10 to get value
        "DeadTemp":int,				// temperature dead band (100 - 500) /100 to get value
        "AutoFanMaxTime":int		// Auto mode fan max speed time (0 - 60 minutes)

Control Actions

AC Unit On/Off

Available: Local API, Cloud API


where: a - is the on/off setting

Change AC Unit Mode

Available: Local API, Cloud API


where: a - is the mode setting

Change AC Unit Fanspeed

Available: Local API, Cloud API


where: a - is the fanspeed setting

Set AC Unit Setpoint

Available: Local API, Cloud API


where: a - is target setpoint degree multiply 100. value limits: 1500 <= a <= 3000

Change iSave On/Off

Available: Local API, Cloud API


where: a - is target iSave setting: 0 = iSave is off, 1 = iSave is on

Set Sleep Timer

Available: Local API, Cloud API


where: x - is target sleep timer time in minute, x=0 turn off sleeptimer.





	SysMode_Cool = 1,


	SysFan_Low = 1,
	SysFan_NonGasHeat = 99